malinda putri

Me and the Others

Monday, July 30, 2007

Virtual Villagers 2

tererererrr.... gw lagi demen nih maen VV2, keren euy.... at least lebih keren dibanding VV1 (soale gw gak nglanjutin VV1 hehe... mudah tergoda dengan barang baru :p)

ceritanya tuh tentang orang-orang kampung (ini kan terjemahannya villagers?) yang ada di suatu pulau...
nah tugas kita tuh ya bikin supaya tu pulau yang sepiiii jadi lebih hidup (ofcors dengan cara hewani yaitu menghasilkan anak sebanyak-banyaknya hahaha), terus juga kita harus melatih para orang-orang udik itu, caranya? research sebanyak mungkin supaya terkumpul poin yang banyak dan bisa gunakan untuk menaikkan tingkat wawasan para orang udik itu....... terus untuk menambah seru dan ada tujuannya kita maen ni game, ada 16 puzle yang harus kita selesaikan....

berikut walktrough yang gw dapet dari site vv2...

Puzzle 1: The Fire
Fire keeps your villagers warm (and the kids busy watching it) and is a must have for the cooking activity. All you need to do is have one villager gather some firewood (from the big pile of wood in the left lower corner of the island, on the beach) and some dry grass (the pile of dry grass next to a strange flower in the left upper corner). Than just drop him over the fireplace and he’ll know what to do. Remember the fire only lasts 9 hours so have one villager gather more of any of the two resources from time to time.

Puzzle 2: The Dam
Farming goes hand in hand with building sometimes. This is one of those times. After you’ve researched level 2 Engineering you can drag a builder over the rocks in the lower part of the stream to get him/her starting on building a dam. This way you’ll irrigate the fertile soil so it can serve as a farm and also uncover a mysterious ancient place (where the kids can spot lovely pebbles).

Puzzle 3: The Scarecrow
After you’ve helped your villagers set up the farm, the native birds make a habit out of eating all the seeds. Since they seem to get easily scared the second a villager comes near them, there is surely a way to trick them into thinking there’s always someone there. Drag an adept or master farmer to the vines next to the sacred area so he can gather some straw. It will take two roads to the vines, so make sure you get the scarecrow right.

Puzzle 4: Sharp Cutting Tools
After purchasing level 2 of Exploration Tech you can drag a master scientist to the north side of the island, right between the area of the dead and the vines so he can make a break through discovery. You’ll be on the lookout for something sparkling that resembles iron and that will be used for the tip of the spears. He’ll also need some wood to complete the tools. Take him to the vines and wood just near the place where you found the metal. These tools will be used to cut off the unnecessary wild vegetation on the island and even fish more efficiently.

Puzzle 5: Herb Mastery
Just like in Virtual Villagers: A New Home, one of the puzzles refers to the abundance of strange plants on the island. There are six plants to be mastered: right above the waterfall there is a dark plant, beneath the dam there’s a reddish flower, another orange-red flower to the left of the mosaic, another red flower to the north - on the beach next to the very dry grass, a blue flower to the right of the thorny vines covering the entrance to the gong cave and a light blue flower just north of the graveyard. Each of these plants can be studied to enhance your villagers skill at healing and they are the main ingredients to your custom stews, so do remember them.

Puzzle 6: Village Elder Totem
I told you right from the beginning that you’ll need to train a village elder. To do that he’ll have to master 3 (three) different skills. Once again, keep in mind that you can easily get a master parent if you can spare about 20-30 minutes to drop him repeatedly on an opposite sex villager (without allowing them to reach the love hut). If your villager is a female, note that once they turn 50 they can’t get pregnant anymore and your job will get a lot easier. A totem (that you can move anywhere on the map) will appear to commemorate their success.

Puzzle 7: The Golden Fish
After you’ve researched level 2 Farming Tech, if you continue fishing in the ocean, lots of green algae will appear. Don’t worry, there’s a quest for this, so you do need these algae popping up. Once you research level 3 Farming Tech take a few master farmers or master scientists to the pond and allow them to catch some golden algae eating fish to clear out the ocean. It will take o few trips, but after that, you’ll have an endless supply of fish source.

Puzzle 8: The Ancient Markings
After fashioning the cutting tools in the fourth puzzle and purchasing level 3 Culture Tech, the strange vines covering the right side of the stream’s wall can be removed. Have your builders do just that to learn the story of the gong pieces.

Puzzle 9: The Stew
Once you research level 2 Exploration Tech have an adult villager look for a black cauldron among the wood on the southern beach. He’ll pick it up and take it to the fireplace. With the fire up and running, your villagers can now experiment with a lot of cool stew recipes. To do that, you need to drop one villager over the cauldron to start cooking the stew. Drop him again to add water to the stew. One more drop and he’ll also add food. All that remains now is to add three herbs to the stew. Here is where you get to experiment. Each strange plant on the island has different effects. Some recipes will turn into delicious stews with benefic effects and some will turn out to be harmful.

If you combine the three red plants you’ll give your villagers a boost of energy. The blue plants will clear their nose and throat. Three orange-red flowers give a very sweet smell; three blue flowers (near the thorny vines) make them jumpy; three red flowers (near the dam) give them a burst of energy, while three dark flowers (near the waterfall) are harmful. Add three mauve flowers (north of the graveyard) or three red flowers from the northern beach (next to the very dry grass) to give your villagers a boost of health. Just have them eat these special stews and watch their health go up. This is a wonderful way to keep your villagers in great shape and in the same time make some economy with the food supplies.

Puzzle 10: The Mosaic
If you were wondering about the ancient covered floor in the southeastern part of your village, now is the time to get it uncovered. First you’ll need to research both level 3 Engineering Tech and level 3 Culture Tech. Once you’ve managed to do that, it all comes to your builders to uncover the site.

Puzzle 11: The Hospital
After you purchase both level 3 Engineering and level 3 Medicine a new foundation appears in the southern part of your island (just above the orange-red flower). Have your builders work on that and in a short while you’ll be able to treat your sick villagers in your very own hospital.

Puzzle 12: The Sewing Hut
After you research both level 2 Culture Tech and level 2 Science Tech a new foundation appears next to the love hut. Put your builders to work on it and you’ll get a very special sewing hut. Here you’ll be able to buy different clothing for your villagers at the price of 5000 research points each (a little expensive, but once you’ve researched everything it will be a nice way to spend those points).

Puzzle 13: First piece of the Gong
There is a crate on the beach (just a little north of the love hut). To open it you’ll need the strength of 3 (three) master builders. One more gong piece lays here.

Puzzle 14: Second Piece of the Gong
After uncovering the mosaic (puzzle 10) and getting a village elder totem (puzzle 6), just place the totem in the middle of the mosaic to uncover another piece of the gong.

Puzzle 15: Third Piece of the Gong
Once you’ve built the cutting tools (puzzle 4), you can drag your builders to work on clearing the thorny vines blocking the access to the gong encasement. It is advisable to use adept or master builders, as this is no easy task and a trainee may get it wrong lots of times. Once the thorns are clear you’ll also notice a piece of the gong already in the encasement. The kids can find here a wide variety of colorful beetles.

Puzzle 16: Fourth Piece of the Gong
There is something sparkling in the pond (where the waterfall is) from the very beginning, but it was too deep for any of your villagers to be able to get it. If you’ve uncovered the ancient markings (puzzle 8) than you see pictures of some strange plants. All that is left for you to do is prepare a stew out of these (so you do need at least level 2 Exploration Tech to be able to complete this puzzle). Add one dark flower (by the waterfall) and two orange-red flowers (left of the mosaic) to get a special stew that will allow your villagers to breath underwater. A new piece of the gong has been revealed.

ps: jangan suruh gw nerjemahin, gw benci english soooo much!

kalo tips dari gw sih...

  1. tahap 1, karena orang dewasanya cuman 3 lo harus bagi tugas ---> 1 orang jadi petani, 2 orang research...
  2. bosen tuh nunggunya... biarpun ini based on real time tapi males juga kan nunggunya biar udah 2X speed, nah lo close tuh game (close ya soalnya kalo cuman balik ke menu ntar perubahan pada jumlah makanan gak ngenakin ati...), terus lo ubah deh jamnya (dimajuin jangan dimundurin, kalo dimundurin ntar lo nangis soalnya penduduknya pada mati semua, gw belum pernah nyoba sih hehe....), terus maen lagi deh...
  3. gitu aja terus sampe point banyak dan bisa nyelesain ke-16 puzle... gampang kan?

okay, sejauh ini gw...
  1. sekarang penghuni pulau gw dah 35 biji hihi dengan 6 orang tewas karena tua lho bukan sakit haha... soale gw always punya 2 docter ^0^
  2. gw punya 3 elder tapi dah pada koid T__T
  3. tinggal 4 puzle yang belum gw selesein, nunggu point nih...
  4. tech yang belum terpenuhi tinggal astrology aja... mahal sih 160000, duit eh point gw masih 100rb an....
  5. gw belum punya twins birth huweee padahal ada master parent nih, sayang usia doi 52 th ;P
okay yang mau maen ada trialnya nih...


kalo gak bisa masuk ke halaman di atas masuk ke sini dulu terus copy-paste alamat tersebut okey ^o^

selamat bermain..!!!

ps: oya, kalo ada yang mau serial number nya boleh kirim email oke ^_^

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